Rabbi Ezra Amichai, Director
Rabbi Ezra Amichai grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan before moving to Israel in 2000. He then received rabbinic ordination (smicha) in 2005 from the Bat Ayin Yeshiva in Gush Etzion and from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg in Jerusalem. During this time he began building the network and organization that officialy became the Jerusalem Soul Center in 2006. The 18-26 and 18-29 wings of the Soul Center programming were begun in 2014 and have encompassed 60 shabbatons and hundreds of events. Rabbi Ezra is married to Malka Chana, they live in Tekoa, and have 4 wonderful children: Kodesh Simcha, Aryeh Tzion Nachman, Shirel Emunah, and Pliah Ahava.
Whatsapp: 0545969598
Email: jerusalemsoulcenter@gmail.com