Jerusalem Soul Center 18-29 Northern Golan Odem Shabbaton

Jerusalem Soul Center Northern Golan Odem Shabbaton

October 13-14, 2023

18-29 Year Olds


 (scroll down for registration link)

Friday – October 13th       

05:30              Bus Leaving from Nocturno Café, Betzalel Street, Jerusalem

06:30              Optional Bus Shacharit

09:30              Bambook Village Floating Café on Lake Ram in the Golan


12:00              Tastings at the boutique Odem Winery, the highest in Israel!


14:00              Har Bental Hot Springs Chill


16:00              Arrival at Har Odem Vacation Village Accommodations


17:45              Pre-Shabbos Lchaims, Candlelighting & Kabbalat Shabbat

20:00              Dinner & Oneg Shabbat


Shabbat – October 14th     


08:00               Optional Shabbat Morning Prayer Services

11:00              Kiddush

13:00              Lunch

15:30              Walking Tour of Odem

17:00              Mincha

17:45              Seuda Shlishit & Group Sessions

19:00              Maariv & Havdala Chill

20:30              Bus leaves back to Jerusalem


If you have any questions:

Ezra Amichai 054-596-9598


Pay Online (215 NIS)
Pay Ezra Directly (cash - 200 NIS)

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