Had Nes Kinneret Shabbaton Registration

Jerusalem Soul Center Had Nes Kinneret Shabbaton

May 31-June 1, 2024


(scroll down for the registration form)



Friday – May 31st   


06:30              Bus Leaving from Betzalel Street, Jerusalem

09:30              Shacharit at Capernaum National Park Ancient Synagogue


11:00              Nature Walk to the Hidden Ein Eyov Kinneret Waterfall

14:00              Water Hike to the Hidden YMCA Kinneret Pool

16:00              Arrival at the Khan Nes Yurt Accommodations in Had Nes


19:00              Pre-Shabbos Lchaims, Candlelighting & Kabbalat Shabbat

20:30              Dinner and Oneg Shabbat


Shabbat – June 1st   


08:30              Optional Morning Prayer Services at the Had Nes Shul

11:30              Kiddush

13:00              Lunch

17:00              Walking Tour of Had Nes

18:30              Mincha at the Shul

19:00              Seuda Shlishit & Group Sessions

20:30              Maariv and Havdala

21:30              Bus leaves back to Jerusalem


If you have any questions:

Ezra Amichai 054-596-9598


Pay Online (215 NIS)
Pay Ezra Directly (cash - 200 NIS)

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