The Jerusalem Soul Center is an accredited non-profit organization dedicated to creating community here in Jerusalem and all around Israel. The Center is based on Zionist ideals and strives to enable spiritually enhanced religious growth. Most of our programs are geared to 18-29 year old new immigrants, lone soldiers, young professionals, yeshiva and seminary students, and visiting tourists of various religious and social backgrounds. Our activities include Shabbatonim and Day Trips all over Israel, Chagim and Rosh Chodesh Minyanim and programming, womens and mens nights, and whatever else will enhance the community of young people we have built together.
What our members share is a desire to get to know Israel and Judaism better, and to feel more in control of their experience. The flow of hundreds of people through the Jerusalem Soul Center creates an untold number of networking opportunities for our participants, encouraged and built in an environment of spirituality and mutual respect. Come join us!